About My Writing

I work at finding real audiences and purposes for my student’s writing. Now, I think about my own writing life. With social media, there are all kinds of options for where and how to share my writing. What is most appropriate?

It may be that I start writing with one venue in mind, but when I am done, I realize: it’s not the right fit. The writing might be too personal, off-topic, just-for-me, or just-for-someone-else.

I’ve written enough to have made decisions based on these things. But I’m not sure when I ever thought about it as I’ve outlined above. Because I haven’t consistently written enough to look at something I wrote and wonder, “Where does this belong in the world?”

I’ve mostly been writing in the evening for SOL21. This morning I looked at my digital writer’s notebook. I have two things written last night. And now, this morning, this. As I sort through these ideas, I am excited to see them filter into my classroom as well!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

13 thoughts on “About My Writing

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    1. So fun! I had a birthday greeting written for my wife. I was going to share it today. It felt personal, but also it felt somewhat performative to post it as a slice of life. I waffled and couldn’t really decide, but landed on the idea that maybe it’s a sign of love to “shout it from the roof tops,” but maybe also it’s nice to write something that is just for one person.


  1. SOLSC has always helped me think about my writing life in ways that help me be a better teacher for students. Yes, to all you’ve written. Purpose and audience matter so much!


  2. I came to this crossroads a few years into Slicing, as I realized that those posts were becoming more personal and didn’t fit in with the others on classroom observations, reading, and eventually library happenings. That’s when I created a new platform and compartmentalized; it has helped me feel more comfortable with writing in both spaces.

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  3. What is most appropriate is an interesting question. I believe that our students probably ask that question often and ponder whether they can risk – I am reminded of the importance of developing a writing community where students can feel safe. Hopefully the slicing community provides that space for you.


  4. Your questions resonate with me too. There are so many considerations when thinking about where each piece of writing might go–or how it might be further developed for another audience. Thanks for the provocation!


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  5. I love to go back and read posts from prior years. Sometimes I am quite amazed that I wrote them. But figuring out who, exactly, appreciates your voice, that is the question! I guess for now we have to write for ourselves because practice makes better!

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