How to Leave (The Social Internet)

Here’s a small moment I’ve been contemplating.  Leaving Facebook.  Since I began questioning its relative value years ago, I haven’t ever taken the leap away.  I won’t make my case for or against it here.  No.  Let’s talk about ways to leave.

The Practical Method

Of course I now use the platform for communication and connection with many people.  If I’m leaving, considering who I intentionally need to stay in touch with and sharing contact information would be helpful.  With the practical method, I do so quietly and personally, and perhaps make one public plea in case anyone wants to reach out with their information.

The Silent Method

This option has appeal.  Like leaving a party without saying anything to most people, one day I’m on facebook, then I’m not.  

The Blaze of Glory

This method has serious appeal.  It could be a focused blaze, like bringing attention to particular issues.  It could also be a stream of consciousness blaze.  Ever wonder what Tim REALLY thinks?  Wonder no more!  A series of planned or ad hoc posts lay it all out there before “bloop” it disappears.  

What do you think?  If you were to leave a social media platform, would you choose one of these options?  Are there other ideas I’m missing?

–This post is part of the 31 day writing challenge, brought to you by and Dawn Dish Soap (just kidding, it’s just twowritingteachers, I don’t think there are any paid sponsers.) —

16 thoughts on “How to Leave (The Social Internet)

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  1. You articulate my dilemma perfectly. I’m not usually practical, but I’d probably choose that one—and then realize how most people couldn’t care less whether I was there or not. Hmmm…Let us know what, if anything, you decide, and how it goes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel your dilemma. Here’s the thing… I feel like while the practical is most likely the way I’d go… I feel like I would miss a lot about it (NOT the drama) like my weather updates, life events like birthdays and deaths, and sales… yes, I love seeing the sales! So I struggle with cutting the cord. Good luck to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Or … you choose to stay on your own terms. I ignore what I am not interested in; I look for what I want; I don’t get lured into spending extra time; I’m clear on my purpose. I do like staying in touch with folx. I have been using Instagram more often … but that is still Facebook. For you … as long as you bring your craft of humor to method it will be perfect! BTW – I’m someone who wants to know how to keep in touch with you if you leave – so put me on the list!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ahhh, the dilemma! So well put, thanks for laying out the alternative plans. I just kind of hang on the the account but at my core I don’t really like it. I tend to favor the silent method, the old riding off into the sunset scene!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. so many feelings.
    I joined FB only for a family page.
    I rarely post anything except on that or now a couple of family pages.
    I do appreciate the contact with many and keeping up to date with them.
    I scroll past many, many postings.

    If leaving, I would go quietly into the night . . .

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I think I’d make an announcement, but I agree with Clare’s points. You can stick around and pay attention to the stuff that matters to you! Let me know if you head out though in the stealthy route!

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  7. I was drawn to your post because I do a quasi-fast from FB during Lent. I only hop on to leave links to my blog posts (because IFTTT won’t work with FB, blergh) and for my birthday. Otherwise it’s radio silence for the forty days. It’s nice that it usually closely coincides with the SOLSC, as the time away from FB leaves room for writing. I have too many friends in too many time zones to completely leave the platform.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I feel you on this one and have thought about it many times! A friend that I knew used to take a full day once a week and she used no technology at all. She called it a technology sabbath.

    I would probably make an announcement. I also try not to use FB. I took the app off of my phone, but I still dip into it every once in a while.

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  9. I would definitely take the Irish exit approach. I always find it a bit superfluous when people post on social media about leaving social media but to each their own. I hope you find the right choice for you.

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  10. Oh man, this made me laugh. You described it all perfectly. I have another, slightly tweaked method (which I used for quitting Instagram a year ago — after 10 years and 8,000 posts )… I first announced a three-month break. This gave me a (long) chance to see how I liked it. It also got people used to seeing me gone, but without a dramatic exit.
    When the 3 months was up, I knew I didn’t want to come back. I returned for one last post (cue Hamilton) and stayed on for a few more days to collect contact info and say my goodbyes. It felt right!
    I’m still on the Book bc it seems almost like e-mail at this point; a necessary evil to stay connected to the world. But if you can pull off leaving, do it!!!


  11. If you do it… gotta do it big. Blazingly big. I won’t ever, though. I’m too invested in people that I normally wouldn’t get to see/ hear much from. A lot of my friends have also started small businesses that they promote through their socials! My FOMO would be too much to bear.

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  12. I left four years ago and am more at peace for it. I made one announcement stating that I was deleting my account and if people needed to find me, they could reach me on Twitter. I haven’t missed it for a minute.

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